Autism in Pink - Kickstart Learning

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Between 2012 and 2014 I was a part of the Autism in Pink research project. The project was an innovative EU-funded partnership between four European autism organisations which had been set up to carry out research into autism in women. It looked into the prevalence of autism amongst women in the participating countries, and assessed the competences and needs of women with autism, in order to provide support and education both for women on the spectrum and for their parents, carers and teachers, as well as social care and health professionals.

Focus groups and workshops were conducted in order to help inform the development of a new approach to learning, to give women with autism the skills they need to deal with issues that can be challenging for those with autism, such as health, standard of living and personal relationships.

We reported our findings at a conference in Lisbon on Friday 16th May 2014, where we went sight seeing altogether also. We also created a video and an online book about our experiences, which you can find on the Autism in Pink website here. I am known as just 'Kerry' in both as I had not become open about my Asperger's diagnosis at that time.

Female Autism - Behind the Mask is a follow-up project to the Autism in Pink project. Most of the original UK members are involved and it will culminate with us presenting at the NAS women and girls' conference in Manchester on Tuesday November 21st, 2017.

We have worked closely with Dr Carole Buckley, who was assigned clinical champion for autism, to create a resource for GPs to help identify and support autistic women more effectively. We also hope to create a poster for autistic women themselves and to help raise awareness and understanding amongst the general public.

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