Neurodiversity Workshops - Kickstart Learning

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Neurodiversity Workshops

Our neurodiversity workshops are for children and young people to learn more about neurodiversity and help them to grow up accepting and considerate of people's differences. We offer three different services to schools (a free assembly can be included with a full day of workshops in school):
GroupLocationMaximum group sizeYear groupsNeurotypeDurationTopicsCost
Whole classYour school40Reception to Y8All60 minutesDifferent Brains£60 per workshop
Small groupYour school8Y3 to Y8Neurodivergent only60 minutesSee below£70 per workshop
Small groupOur Hub8Y3 to Y8Neurodivergent only90 minutesSee below£95 per workshop
All bookings are subject to a £50 booking and administration fee. Free travel up to 15 miles from Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire and Poole, Dorset. Otherwise, a travel fee may apply.

Whole class workshops

Whole class workshops focus on the topic of 'Different Brains' and the aims of these workshops are as follows:
  • Inspire children to feel empowered by their unique set of strengths and challenges
  • Develop understanding of the terms 'neurodiversity', 'neurotypical' and 'neurodivergent'
  • Emphasise the importance of inclusion and how we all have a part to play in that
  • Explore their own learning preferences and how important it is to work together so everyone's needs can be met

Topics for small group workshops

It's great to be me
The group will explore what it means to them to be neurodivergent. They will do activities to build self-esteem and confidence and learn how to advocate for their needs in different situations.

Emotional Regulation
The group will learn about where in the brain emotions are processed and why neurodivergent people often experience higher levels of emotional dysregulation. The group will discuss their experiences with emotional dysregulation and a variety of strategies to help manage emotions will be explored.

The group will learn about what anxiety is and why neurodivergent people often experience higher levels of anxiety. The group will discuss what makes them anxious and how they experience anxiety. A variety of strategies to help manage anxiety will be explored.

The group will learn about why neurodivergent people often find it difficult to make and keep friends including learning about the double empathy problem. They will discuss their own experiences of making friends, what makes a good friend and why it's so important to find friends who accept them for who they are.

Making Mistakes and Accepting Challenges
The group will learn about why neurodivergent people are often perfectionists and discuss their experiences with making mistakes and accepting challenges. They will explore the emotions involved in making mistakes and being faced with a challenge and various strategies to help manage these strong emotions.

Accepting Feedback and Asking for Help
The group will learn about why it can be so hard to accept feedback and ask for help. They will explore the emotions involved in accepting feedback and asking for help and various strategies to help manage these strong emotions.

Flexible Thinking
The group will learn about what flexible thinking is and why neurodivergent people can often struggle with this. They will explore when flexible thinking can be useful and how to consider different perspectives in a way that will benefit them in their everyday lives.

Strengths and Challenges
The group will learn about the most common neurodivergent strengths and challenges. They will explore their own individual strengths and challenges and discuss how they could use some of their strengths to overcome some of their challenges.

Interoception (at our Hub only)
The group will learn about the eighth sense of interoception and how this is sometimes an area that neurodivergent people struggle with. They will each explore their own body's signs and reactions to a variety of stimuli and how these link to the emotions they feel.

What do schools say?

"I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the fantastic workshops and assemblies that you hosted this week. I can say, hand on heart, that every single child’s understanding of neurodiversity has improved from being a part of your workshops. The way you talk about neurodiversity has also supported our staff in how to talk about differences in the way we learn, think and experience the world."

Sophie Long, SENDCo, Gordonbrock Primary School

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