Services - Kickstart Learning with Kerry

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Tutoring sessions cover a wide range of subjects, which can be found below. A free assessment is provided for all students and the identified strengths and weaknesses are then used to develop a course plan. For a more comprehensive assessment to help decide which subjects would benefit your child most, please see the additional services by clicking here.

At least one subject should be chosen from the first column below although several subjects can be combined. Incorporating exercise into sessions is a key component of Kickstart Learning with Kerry and so a combination of the activities from the second column would carefully be combined with classroom based learning to maximise your child's focus and progress.

Homework support
Exam and study skills support (age 12+)
General English tuition
General maths tuition
11+ preparation
Handwriting support
(including fine motor skill development where appropriate)
Spelling support
Reading support
Memory and processing speed building
Attention and concentration building
Organisation and time management (age 9+)

General fitness
Gross motor skills support
Core strength building
TutoringCost per session
60 minutes£40
90 minutes£60
120 minutes£80

Mentoring sessions are for children and young people who need specific support with managing their emotions and/or developing social skills. Sessions are highly personal to the child and involve a combination of talking and practical activities. Many of the activities are based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques.

Incorporating exercise into sessions is a key component of Kickstart Learning with Kerry, but this isn't always appropriate or necessary in mentoring sessions due to their highly practical nature. Session requirements would be discussed in depth before commencing and student and parent questionnaires would be provided to gain a better understanding of the student's strengths and weaknesses.

Mentoring sessions can focus on any number of topics. These are some of the most common topics that are usually covered:
  • finding out about and accepting a diagnosed learning difficulty
  • building self-esteem
  • managing anxiety
  • managing anger and frustration
  • understanding and managing emotions (in themselves and others)
  • how to make (and keep) friends
  • conversational skills and communicating effectively
  • building independence
  • life skills

MentoringCost per session
60 minutes£50
Martial arts only

Jujitsu is a traditional Japanese martial art literally meaning 'gentle art'. It is based around using pins, joint locks and throws to defend yourself and relies on using your opponent's energy against themself rather than exerting your own force. Sessions can be for one or two students.

I am a fully qualified black belt martial arts instructor with over 15 years experience and am fully insured as well as first aid trained. The martial arts only sessions are in association with the Combat Academy UK organisation which I have been a part of since I started martial arts at the age of 15. The club has been running for over 25 years and there is a comprehensive grading structure and syllabus which could be followed allowing your child to work towards graded belts. The three aspects of the club are jujitsu, ground fighting and kickboxing. I have been teaching at a children's martial arts class for several years and am able to adapt my teaching to suit a variety of needs. Please visit for more information about the organisation.

Safety equipment, such as boxing gloves can be borrowed from the centre, but if your child wishes to participate in the grading system, they will need a club uniform and may want to have their own safety equipment.

Martial artsCost per session
60 minutes£40
Small group social and emotional skills

Social and emotional skills courses run as intensive holiday courses and are for a maximum of four children. These courses are currently for children aged 8 to 12. Each course builds on a selection of the topics below with an overarching aim of building confidence and self-esteem. The sessions include a variety of practical activities as well as short general exercise breaks to help the children remain focused. All children and parents are asked to complete a questionnaire before the course starts so that the needs of the group can be identified and the course tailored to these needs.

  • making and keeping friends
  • self-awareness
  • self-regulation
  • emotions
  • conversational skills
  • communicating with others
  • choices and consequences
  • problem solving
  • responsibilities
  • dealing with conflict
  • goal setting
  • team work
  • positivity
No courses are currently available - please enquire for future course details

*A minimum of 3 children are needed for a course to go ahead.

Small group social and emotional skills
course total*
Intensive (school holiday)£250
*The full cost of the course must be paid at least one week before the course starts.
Additional services

I offer a selection of additional services with the primary purpose of helping increase the understanding of your child's needs and increasing the amount or frequency of support your child receives.

15 minute Skype session
Most students attend sessions weekly. For some students, more than one session a week is needed and for others, a quick catch-up during the week helps to keep them on track. Skype sessions can happen at a time that suits you and your family and can focus on anything you or your child would like. It could be an informal chat with your child about how they are getting on that week and any problems that might have arisen; it can be to go over any homework your child is struggling with; or some parents choose to speak to me themselves to discuss how they could be dealing more effectively with a situation that has arisen with their child. It is completely up to you.

Home visit
Home visits enable me to meet the student and parents in their home environment where they are more relaxed and comfortable. I have a detailed chat with the parents so they can tell me the reasons why they'd like me to work with their child and what their aims are. I also ask the child to show me their favourite toy/activity and will use this to get to know them more in an informal atmosphere. Your child will hopefully become more comfortable with me and the prospect of coming to the centre won't be as daunting.

Assessment with report
I can conduct a thorough assessment of your child's strengths and weaknesses and provide a detailed report based on this information including recommendations for how to best support your child. Although I would be looking at similar areas, this is not the same assessment that an Educational Psychologist would conduct as that is not my role. I can only offer guidance, advice and suggestions - I am not able to formally diagnose your child. The assessments are for children aged 7 and over and cover the following areas:

Academic assessment (4 hours long)
  • mathematics
  • spelling
  • single-word reading
  • sentence reading
  • reading speed
  • literal comprehension
  • vocabulary
  • comprehension requiring inference or prediction and opinions
  • comprehension requiring analysis
  • visual memory
  • auditory memory
  • phonological memory
  • working memory
  • concentration
  • cognitive speed

Social and emotional skills assessment (2 hours long)
  • emotional literacy
  • recognising emotions
  • social language
  • social skills

Motor skills assessment (1.5 hours long)
  • gross motor skills
  • fine motor skills
  • handwriting

All assessments take place at the Kickstart Learning Centre and can either be held in one extended session or in two shorter sessions. Both options include regular exercise breaks to help keep your child focused and alert throughout. The assessments do need to take place at the centre, but it is possible for you to visit the centre beforehand so your child can familiarise themselves with the environment.

Observation at home or school
Everyone responds differently in different environments and with different people. Often I find that in a one-to-one setting, students will not show some of the more difficult behaviours that I'm told they exhibit at home and/or at school. That's why it can be incredibly useful for me to come and observe your child at home and/or at school. The observation would usually last for 50 minutes and then I would spend 10 minutes discussing with your child their thoughts and feelings at different times while I had been watching them. From this, I would write a report detailing what I had observed and recommendations to help support your child in that environment. I can also undertake extended observations or several shorter observations if requested.

Additional services
15 minute Skype session£10
Home visit (90 minutes)£100
Assessments (with detailed report and recommendations)
Academic assessment (4 hours)£300
Social and emotional skills assessment (2 hours)£150
Motor skills assessment (90 minutes)£125
All assessments£500
1 hour observation at home or school and report£125
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